This is part of a series of new mental health support pages - switch to other pages using the continue on this page; Page last updated Sep 23, 2024
orHuge numbers of patients have struggled with their mental health and wellbeing in recent years. We have developed our mental health pages to help any patient suffering with such issues. Please follow the guidance on this page to start to get the help that you need.
Please look after your physical and mental health as best you can. We realise this is very difficult in this situation but it gives you the best chances at recovery.
Try to eat a healthy diet. Try to go to bed on time. Try and keep your mind active with interests and hobbies. Try not to smoke or drink too much alcohol. Talk to friends and family. Get outdoors for fresh air and sunshine to help clear the head.
You can self-refer to these services without seeing or speaking to a GP first. Click the image to go to the resource. = Recommended resource
ACTIVE 10 APP Records every minute of walking you do, helps you set goals and gives you tips to boost your activity
ALCOHOL MISUSE SERVICES Click the image above to visit our alcohol misuse services page
DRUG MISUSE SERVICES Click the image above to visit our alcohol misuse services page
Please consider self-referring to free NHS counselling. Studies have shown talking therapies (with or without medication) has the best chance of successful recovery.
Counselling looks at your thought processes and helps you to find answers to your condition and gives you to the tools to be able to help yourself, now and in the future.
You can self-refer to these services without seeing or speaking to a GP first. Click the image to go to the resource. = Recommended resource
SELF-HELP RESOURCES Including links, free NHS counselling and what to do in a crisis
Follow doctor's directions on starting medication. Common side effects include headache, nausea, dizziness, sweating, stomach disturbances, but most people are fine, and symptoms tend to settle within a week.
Please book a review appointment before you run out and never stop tablets suddenly. When stable and considering coming off, contact us and we will advise on how to do it safely..
If you need help and support or need to talk to someone straight away any time of day or night, you can ring the Derbyshire Mental Health Helpline and Support Service on 0800 028 0077 . This is a freephone service available to everyone living in Derbyshire - both children and adults. It is open 24 hours a day every day.
Support can be provided for your mental health and practical help advised. Face-to-face support may also be offered if appropriate. Find out more by clicking the link, or dial the number.
MENTAL HEALTH HELPLINE Available 24/7 to any Derbyshire resident of any age - call 0800 028 0077
It's not all talking therapy. Other help and support is available. Click the relevant image to start to get the help you need
You can self-refer to these services without seeing or speaking to a GP first. Click the image to go to the resource. = Recommended resource
KIDS Click the above image to visit mental health resources for kids
TEENS Click the above image to visit mental health resources for teens
ADULTS Click the above image to visit mental health resources for adults and general help
OLDER/VULNERABLE Click the above image to visit mental health resources for older or more vulnerable persons
OTHER RESOURCES Click the above image to visit additional mental health resources, like apps, books, adhd, autism, sleep
DOMESTIC ABUSE RESOURCES Click the image above to find resources for domestic abuse
SELF-HELP GUIDES Recommended patient leaflets on a large number of subjects, e.g., anxiety, sleep disturbance, stress
SPECIALIST SEXUAL ABUSE SERVICES Click the image above to visit our specialist sexual abuse services page
Poor sleep or difficulties in getting off to sleep or early wakening or lying there thinking about things can be features of your condition. Lack of sleep affects our performance, decision making, thinking processes and makes us muddled and feel unwell.
Please visit our help and support section for hints and tips on improving your sleep.
You can self-refer to these services without seeing or speaking to a GP first. Click the image to go to the resource. = Recommended resource
You can self-refer to these services without seeing or speaking to a GP first. Click the image to go to the resource. = Recommended resource
SELF-HARM Click the image above to visit our page on help if at risk of self-harm
HELP IN A CRISIS Click the image above to visit our page on help if in a mental health crisis
We realise everything may be very overwhelming and you don't know what to do or where to start. Please do take the time to read through this page and perhaps with a trusted friend or relative, try and slowly work through the different sources of information on our pages. Not all of them will be applicable and you may need to try different things to help.
Do get in touch if you still have difficulties.
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Please see our index of services you can self-refer to or type the shortcut or
© Dr Michael Wong 2022