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    We are working differently

    We are now working quite differently from what we were before. We call this new way of working, General Practice 2.0.

    We realise you will have plenty of questions about how to manage your condition, so we have set up this page is to help you - just keep reading below.


  • Self-care first

    Please don't just pick up the phone to us!

    We are having to advise an increasing number of patients with symptoms of a minor and self-limiting nature, that would have largely got better with self-care, self-help and a little patience.

    There are lots of resources to help you manage your minor illness before you need to give us a call, for instance:


    We need to remind patients that, although we are open, we are providing a remote-first service.


  • Asthma care SHORTCUT

    You will find plenty of useful advice on managing your advice at Asthma UK

    Please also read Asthma UK advice on coronavirus - it includes information on categorising your risk and what to do if you get symptoms.

    You can ring the Asthma/COPD helpline on 01332 788225 for advice and help, available 8.30am to 4.30pm, 7 days a week.

    You can also download useful patient information leaflets on dealing with breathlessness and breathing techniques.

    Asthma UK and British Lung Foundation have set up the Post-COVID HUB for people left with breathing difficulties after COVID-19, their family members, carers and others.

    We are encouraging those of our more moderate to severe asthmatics to obtain a peak flow meter in order to be able to monitor their own condition. This can be purchased online or supplied on prescription as necessary.


    Requests for inhalers

    UK stocks of certain inhalers are running low.

    If you are making an urgent request for an inhaler which you have never been prescribed before, your request will be rejected. Please do not call us to request treatment to which you are not entitled.

    If you are making an urgent request for an inhaler which you have prevously been prescribed, but a while ago, we will consider your request individually.

    Existing patients with regular prescriptions of inhalers should request their inhalers in the usual amounts.


  • B12 injections SHORTCUT

    Face-to-face appointment for injection is suspended.

    In line with the most recent research, and the actions of many other practices, we are advising our patients to move to oral B12 tablets.

    Please download our letter to B12 patients that gives further information on this issue.

    We are not able to prescribe oral B12 tablets for you as they are blacklisted under local prescribing regulations.

    We understand over the counter oral B12 tablets might be difficult to come by. We have found a year's supply for about £10 available from Amazon Prime

    Patients will come to no harm through waiting several weeks whilst they obtain supplies of oral B12 tablets. Please do not come to the surgery if you cannot get through on the phone. All face-to-face contact has been suspended. This is to protect you and others.

    Those patients who are deficient in B12 due to small bowel or gastric surgery may still need to continue B12 injections. We will contact you directly to discuss options for self-administration of B12. Again this is to protect you and others.


  • Baby checks SHORTCUT

    We will complete a quick face-to-face assessment at the time baby attends for first set of immunisations at 8 weeks.

    Concerned parents can always speak to their midwife in the early stages and then their health visitor later.

    How can I tell if my child is poorly? - a leaflet informing parents what to look out for.


  • Blood pressure (BP) SHORTCUT

    Measuring your blood pressure at home is a quick and convenient way to monitor your blood pressure and will save a journey to the surgery. Here we tell you how to get your blood pressure reading and then how to let us have the reading.

    Ways to get your BP checked

    Purchase a cheap, reliable BP monitor

    In order to help with telephone review of blood pressure (BP) we encourage all patients to purchase a home BP monitor so they can measure their BP in the comfort and safety of their own homes. These are now relatively cheap, very accurate and can be bought for as little as £20. We believe this is a small price to pay for the knowledge that your blood pressure is being adequately controlled.

    Recommended and validated machines can be found at British and Irish Hypertension Society and British Heart Foundation

    Please see our detailed leaflet on how to take your blood pressure at home written by one of our GP trainees.

    Visit a local chemist

    Many chemists now provide a free BP measurement service.

    Visit our new patient pod

    You can also visit our patient pod, located in a room off the main waiting room. This automated machine can measure your height, weight, blood pressure amongst other things. Our staff can help you to use it if needed.


    Submit your BP reading(s) to us

    Reply to text message

    If we have asked you to a BP reading to us, please reply using the link in the text message you were sent. Once you have submitted your reading, we will get back to you where clinically necessary,

    Use our online form

    If you didn't get a text message, you can use our BP readings form to provide your readings. Once you have submitted your reading, we will get back to you where clinically necessary,

    Complete one week of readings

    PLEASE NOTE: this only applies if we have specifically advised you to complete one week of readings. Do not use this method on your own initiative.

    Please download, print and complete the BP readings chart and drop it in to us.

    If you can open Excel spreadsheets on your device or computer, you should download this version, as it will automatically calculate your averages for you and you can then email the file back to us.

    Please note, when using this chart, we ask that you check your blood pressure four times a day over 7 days, a total of 28 readings and when we calculate your readings, we ignore the first four.

    Other advice

    Please also see coronavirus advice from the British Heart Foundation

    If you are taking anti-inflammatory medication, or ACE-inhbitors like ramipril, or ARA (ACE-II) like losartan, it is important to make sure you look after your kidneys, especially if you are poorly - please see leaflet on acute kidney injury - sick day rules


  • Blood tests SHORTCUT

    If we need you to have a blood test, we will email or text the form to you for you to print out yourself, or leave it at reception for you to collect.

    Important notes - please read

    Take the physical paper blood test form when you attend for your appointment - you will not be able to have your blood test if it is only stored in an email or in a message in your phone

    There is no need to book a review appointment with us for your results - we will contact you if there is any action is required; if you don't hear from us, you can assume no action is needed

    When booking your appointment online, only choose hospitals within Derbyshire, e.g., Ripley, Belper, Heanor, Royal Derby etc. If you choose hospitals outside Derbyshire, e.g., Kings Mill, this can result in an unacceptable delay in getting your results as our computer systems are not aligned with any hospitals outside Derbyshire

    Click here for urgent bloods

    Click here for children's bloods

    Routine blood tests

    Blood tests are available at the below locations by appointment only. Book an appointment for a blood test (registration is required).

    For a step-by-step guide to booking an appointment online, please download an information leaflet

    • RIPLEY Hospital, Sandham Lane, Ripley, DE5 3HE, Mon-Fri, 8am to 1pm
    • HEANOR, Old Fire Station, Wilmot Street, Heanor, Derby, DE75 7EF, Mon-Fri, 7.30am to 12.30pm
    • ILKESTON Hospital, Heanor Road, Ilkeston, DE7 8LN, Mon-Fri, 7.30am to 1.30pm
    • BELPER, Babington Hospital, Derby Road, Belper, Derby, DE56 1WH, Mon-Fri, 8am to 3.30pm

    Children's blood tests

    To book your child's blood test, please ring Royal Derby Hospital on 01332 340131 and ask for 'children's phlebotomy'. Download an information leaflet .


    Urgent blood tests

    ❯❯ This service only applies to those patients where the doctor has specifically indicated that you must have urgent bloods - if you turn up without an urgent form, you will be turned away

    ❯❯ Please attend Babington Hospital in person (there is no need to book an appointment or ring ahead). The phlebotomist will review the slots available and take bloods on the same day, or make an appointment for you to attend the following day pending capacity


  • Cancer SHORTCUT

    Please find specific information on coronavirus for cancer sufferers:

    If you have terminal cancer or are at end-of-life, and you need medical help, please do not hesitate to call us during working hours.


  • Children SHORTCUT

    Advice for parents during coronavirus pandemic - a poster about what to do if a child is not well.

    When should I worry? - a very useful booklet for parents.

    How can I tell if my child is poorly? - a leaflet informing parents what to look out for.

    Mental wellbeing is very important at the time like this, so if you or your children are suffering, you might find our mental health resources helpful.


  • Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) SHORTCUT

    If you need to book into our Citizens Advice Bureau clinic, please contact reception.

    Citizens Advice remain open for business with telephone appointments.

    The advice line is on 0300 456 8390 Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.

    Citizens Advice Derbyshire Districts


  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) SHORTCUT

    We are encouraging all our COPD patients to invest in their own oxygen saturation monitor as this will help them to monitor and manage their own condition.

    Find advice regarding managing your condition at the British Lung Foundation

    You can download useful patient information leaflets on dealing with breathlessness and breathing techniques.

    You can also ring the Asthma/COPD helpline on 01332 788225 for advice and help, available 8.30am to 4.30pm, 7 days a week.

    Asthma UK and British Lung Foundation have set up the Post-COVID HUB for people left with breathing difficulties after COVID-19, their family members, carers and others.


  • Cough

    If you have fever, new cough or loss of sense of smell, please visit

    If your coronavirus symptoms are now getting worse, please visit

    A cough will usually clear up on its own within 3 to 4 weeks.

    Official advice and when to seek further advice.

    Cough minor illness leaflet - a leaflet written by our doctors.

    When should I worry? - a very useful booklet for parents.

    How can I tell if my child is poorly? - a leaflet informing parents what to look out for.


  • Counselling SHORTCUT

    Counselling for mental health issues is still available throughout the pandemic, please visit our counselling page for details.


  • Dementia SHORTCUT

    Our sleep support section has now moved to the mental health pages.


  • Dental problems SHORTCUT

    Your existing dental practice remains the first port of call for any dental problems.

    A new emergency dental pathway is being set up across the whole East Midlands to assess patients and direct accordingly – including to an urgent dental centre, if required.

    Please do not contact us with dental problems.

    Access to NHS dentistry - a poster on current dental provision.


  • Diabetes care SHORTCUT

    We may organise a telephone review of your diabetes subject to circumstances and our workload however routine face-to-face review will no longer take place.

    We realise this may be a worrying time for many of our diabetes, therefore our diabetes lead doctor, Dr S Francis has written a helpful guide for diabetes in the coronavirus pandemic

    You can also ring the Diabetes helpline on 01332 787671 (M-F 8-6, S-S 8.30-12.30) for advice and help.

    You can also download locally produced Derbyshire guidance:

    Online support

    DigiBete is a free online service, with an available app, to support children and young people to manage their Type 1 diabetes and includes essential help and resources.. It allows diabetes teams to send relevant information and resources to patients and also allows patients to store insulin ratios, care plans, future appointments and notes.

    MyType1Diabetes is a free online platform to support adults to manage their Type 1 diabetes and includes tailored advice and educational resources created by NHS experts in diabetes and in association with people with diabetes


  • Ear wax and ear syringing SHORTCUT

    Ear wax is a normal product of the ear. After it is produced it slowly makes its way to the opening of the ear canal.

    If wished, drops to dissolve or soften ear wax are widely available to buy over-the-counter from pharmacists. The softener is to be used for a minimum of three weeks. If at this stage the wax remains firm, the drops may be used for a further period of one week.

    Ear wax should then drop out of the ear naturally.

    Ear syringing is suspended due to the need for close contact and the risk of generating aerosols.

    Official advice and when to seek further advice.

    Ear wax information leaflet - a leaflet regarding ear wax.

    Earache minor illness leaflet - a leaflet written by our doctors.

    Ear syringing protocol for Ivy Grove - including bulb syringing information


  • Earache

    Earache and ear pain is common, particularly in young children. It can be painful, but is not usually a sign of anything serious.

    Official advice and when to seek further advice.

    Earache minor illness leaflet - a leaflet written by our doctors.

    When should I worry? - a very useful booklet for parents.

    How can I tell if my child is poorly? - a leaflet informing parents what to look out for.


  • Eye problems SHORTCUT

    Covid-19 Urgent Eye-care Service (CUES) - this is a new service that has been set up to enable patients with eye problems to be reviewed by an optician during the pandemic.

    If you have an urgent eye issue, you can get in touch with us and if appropriate, we will advise you to contact any of the local opticians participating in this service.

    List of opticians participating in the urgent eye-care service

    PLEASE NOTE: The services does not deal with any patients with 'red flag' or emergency symptoms that could indicate more serious conditions - see our Optician page for details


  • Face-to-face contacts SHORTCUT

    We are a remote-first service

    We are conducting remote assessment first and providing treatment and care by telephone and/or video, and this may also involve advising or referring you on directly depending on your condition. We may also ask you to send photos of rashes or lesions to us where this is deemed necessary.

    We will see you face-to-face where clinically appropriate.

    This policy is intended to keep everyone safe and to improve capacity.


    Procedure for attending an appointment SHORTCUT

    All patients are advised to read the following before attending the surgery:

    ❯❯ Please do not attend the surgery unless you have been specifically invited - this is to protect not only yourself but also others.

    ❯❯ Arrive promptly at the time given to minimise unnecessary contact with others.

    ❯❯ Please come alone where possible as this facilitates social distancing - we appreciate children will need to attend with a parent/guardian and the frail may need to attend with a carer to attend also.

    ❯❯ Please check in at the front desk on arrival so that we know you are here and to minimise your wait.

    ❯❯ Your clinician will bring you into their consultation room personally when they are ready.

    If asked to attend with respiratory illness

    ❯❯ If you have been specifically invited to attend an appointment relating to covid or respiratory infection, your clinician may provide you with different instructions - this may involve waiting in the car, entry via a different entrance or assessment in a specific room or in the car park. This is so that you are not sat in the waiting room and potentially putting other patients at risk.


  • Fever (high temperature)

    If you have fever, new cough or loss of sense of smell, please visit

    If your coronavirus symptoms are now getting worse, please visit

    High temperature is very common in young children. The temperature usually returns to normal within 3 or 4 days.

    Official advice and when to seek further advice.

    When should I worry? - a very useful booklet for parents.

    How can I tell if my child is poorly? - a leaflet informing parents what to look out for.


  • Heart failure SHORTCUT

    We encourage all patients to monitor their condition with a weekly weight. If you start to get a sudden increase in weight, or breathlessness or leg swelling, please ring us for further advice.

    Please also see coronavirus advice from the British Heart Foundation


  • Medication requests & repeats SHORTCUT

    Ways to get your repeat prescription

    Download an information poster on ordering responsibly during the coronavirus pandemic.

    Drop off your repeat slip

    We will continue to issue repeats in the normal manner. However, please do not enter the main surgery building without an appointment. To drop off your repeat, please use our letterbox at the front door.

    Nominate a pharmacy

    We encourage all patients to nominate a chemist so that your prescription can be sent electronically over to the chemist without you having to pick it up from us. Ask reception or speak to your clinician at the time of your consultation.

    Send us a stamped addressed envelope

    Alternatively, if you would like your prescription returned to you, you can send us your repeat prescription slip along with a stamped addressed envelope and we will send it back.

    Request medications online

    Those with internet access might find it convenient to apply for online access to repeat prescriptions, and order their medications directly from the comfort of their homes [registration required]. Your medication will then be sent electronically to the chemist of your choice. Find out more about online access

    Email us

    For the duration of the pandemic only, repeat prescriptions can be ordered by emailing your request to the temporary email

    Email us

    Those without online access can still request their repeat prescriptions online, by having a proxy acting on their behalf and registering for online access. Find out more about online access

    Use the NHS app

    The NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet [registration required]. You can do things like order prescriptions, book appointments, check symptoms, and view your records. Check our NHS app page, or visit or download information

    Medicines Order Line

    The Medicines Order Line is a new and convenient service where you can ring and order your repeat prescriptions without needing to drop anything off at the doctors. Your prescription will be automatically sent to your chosen pharmacy,

    In order to use this service, your medication review date should be in date and you should not be overusing (or underusing) your medication.

    Please ring 01246 942751 Monday to Friday between 8am and 4pm to use the service. For more information, please dowload a leaflet or visit our services page

    Requests for medications from hospitals

    Where you have been provided with a prescription to be dispensed at the hospital, you should always obtain your medication there, even if there is a queue at the hospital pharmacy. GPs are not obliged to convert hospital prescriptions to community ones.

    Where you have been provided with a hospital prescription for the GP to issue, please note that these are NOT urgent prescriptions and in general, as indicated on the prescription itself, you must allow us 2-3 working days to issue your prescription.

    Where the hospital requires you to have medication urgently, it is actually part of the hospital contract in that they are obliged to supply you with the medication there and then, whilst in clinic or on the ward. It is NOT for the GP to do this urgently for you.

    Please note that any delays in issuing any hospital prescription is not because we are being difficult or refusing to prescribe. Regulations surrounding prescriptions means that any doctor prescribing has to perform due diligence in checking any prescription that they write to ensure that patients do not come to harm through undue mistakes being made. Please bear with us if your prescription is delayed as a result of our checks.

    Requests for urgent medications

    Requests for medications to be issued same day will only be carried out if the medication concerned is on our clinically defined emergency list confirming that patient cannot do with it.

    Medication requests that do not come under the above category will be processed in the normal manner. Please be aware that chemists (like all other NHS organisations) are extremely busy at this time.

    Information on how to get you repeat will be found on our FAQs page

    Requests for medication never had before

    Requests for items you've never had before, like paracetamol or inhalers, will be rejected.

    Requests for longer durations

    We have been advised to reject all requests to change duration of medication to 3 months each time, as this would collapse the supply chain.

    Late-opening chemists

    Boots the Chemist, Church Farm branch closed since August 2020. To get your prescription dispensed after office hours, check late opening chemists


  • Mental health SHORTCUT

    It is normal to feel more anxious and upset by all of what is happening around us, something we cannot control.

    At times like this, it is never more important for all of us to be looking after their mental health. We encourage all patients to make sure both their physical health and mental health is as best as can be.

    Try and use some of your anxiety to be prepared and to do the right thing, in terms of keeping you and your family safe.

    Try and manage your stress levels and anxiety by making time for yourself, meditation, breathing exercises and doing things that you enjoy, like hobbies and interests.

    Try to keep physically healthy, by eating good food, avoid excessive alcohol, avoiding smoking, getting enough sleep and exercise and fresh air and sunshine (following social distancing rules of course).

    Use digital means to keep in touch with loved ones, eg by phone, video call and social media, it is always helpful to have a stabilising perspective and reassurance from friends and family.

    Avoid overloading yourself with lots of information and news updates that might cause more worry.

    Our mental health support page gives details of all help and support available, however, you can also check what is available for specific age groups as shown below

    You can self-refer to any of these services without seeing or speaking to a GP first


  • Minor illness SHORTCUT

    If you have fever, new cough or loss of sense of smell, please visit

    If your coronavirus symptoms are now getting worse, please visit

    Most conditions seen in General Practice are of a minor and self-limiting nature. This means they will get better by themselves.

    Therefore, in line with national guidance, we encourage all patients to self-care, and await natural recovery. This is even more important in the midst of a national emergency and global pandemic.

    We still encourage patients to contact us if they are getting worse, have worrying signs or if their condition is lasting too long.

    Download When should I worry? - a very useful booklet for parents.

    Download How can I tell if my child is poorly? - a leaflet informing parents what to look out for.

    This section links to other areas of this page:


  • Nursing procedures SHORTCUT

    Nursing procedures still conducted face-to-face

    Updated Dec 19, 2021

    • 24 hour BP machine
    • Clozaril monitoring
    • Decapeptyl injection
    • Denosumab injection
    • Depo contraceptive injection
    • Dressings as requested urgently by GP
    • ECG requested urgently by GP
    • Immunisations: baby (2, 3 & 4 months), 13 months - please see this FAQs document
    • HPV for year 8 boys/girls and year 9 girls only - please note: this is carried out by another service, read this info sheet for more details
    • Nebido injection
    • Pneumonia vaccine (subject to availability, currently out of stock with no indication when resupplied)
    • Preschool boosters
    • Prostap / zoladex injection
    • Removal of sutures
    • Shingles vaccine
    • Smears - if you have received an official invite for a smear, please contact us
    • Swabs requested urgently by GP
    • Warfarin/INR
    • Whooping cough vaccination for pregnant women

    Nursing procedures conducted by telephone

    • Asthma reviews
    • BP reviews if own machine
    • COPD review
    • Diabetic queries and reviews
    • HRT
    • Pill reviews
    • Postnatals
    • Travel vaccinations

    Procedures postponed for now

    • Annual chronic disease reviews
    • BP reviews
    • Coil checks
    • Ear syringing or ear check for wax
    • Other dressings
    • Other swabs
    • Ring pessaries
    • Spirometry
    • Sustanon

    Procedures carried out differently

    • B12 injection (patients will be converted to oral treatment in most cases)


  • Paracetamol

    We will reject all requests for paracetamol if you have never been prescribed it previously. Please do not call us to request treatment to which you are not entitled.

    Existing patients with regular prescriptions of paracetamol should request their medication in the usual amounts.


  • Physio SHORTCUT

    The Physio Direct service remains available for advice and support for any back, neck, joint or muscle problem.

    There is no need to speak to the GP before using this service.

    Please ring 01246 565050 , Monday-Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm.

    Download the Physio Direct poster for information or visit MSK Triage Derbyshire

    You can also visit the Versus Arthritis helpline or ring 0800 5200 520 for free Monday–Friday, 9am–8pm and discuss issues like understanding and managing your condition, options for treatment, self-care, benefits etc.

    There are also lots of exercises available at the Versus Arthritis site to help you manage pain.


    Please also see our physio page for more details.

  • Routine work / hospital appointments SHORTCUT

    Some reviews of patients with long-term conditions are being carried out depending on capacity and availability of testing and measurements.

    Routine referrals to hospital are being made, but will be held in a waiting list by the hospital. Urgent referrals and referrals to cancer services are still being made.

    If you are attending hospital for a planned procedure, you might find the following information leaflet useful for patients having an operation during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic


  • Semen analysis

    Please note that you need to book an appointment for semen analysis (either for fertility investigation or post-vasectomy). This is done via the Swift Queue appointment booking system, which is the same service used for booking blood tests. Please visit the Royal Derby Hospital website to book.

    Patients will still need to collect their semen analysis form from the desk to take with them when they go.


  • Sexual health / STIs / Genito-urinary SHORTCUT

    There will be no 'walk-ins' at sexual health clinics during this time. The Saturday clinics and community sexual health clinics are currently closed.

    Only urgent booked appointments will take place in the main clinics at Chesterfield, Derby, Buxton and Long Eaton. Patients will need to ring the information and booking line 0800 328 3383

    Please also visit the Your Sexual Health Matters website for:

    For emergency contraception, please visit the YSHM website

    For emergency coil fitting, please ring 0800 328 3383

    The following services are currently suspended until further notice:

    • Vasectomy services
    • Psychosexual Counselling
    • Sexual Health Promotion
    • All routine long-acting contraceptive services, including replacements and new fittings*
    • Pregnancy and termination advice

    *People will be advised during telephone triage of bridging methods (postal condoms will be coming online imminently, so that they can be signposted to oral contraception online and postal condoms - both will be able to be ordered via the website)

    For advice and help on sexual matters during COVID-19, please visit Sexwise

    Download the useful leaflet Coronavirus ‘SEX-PLAINED’

    For information on HPV vaccination for year 8 boys/girls and year 9 girls only - please read this info sheet for more details.

    Visit our Sexual health self-referral page


  • Sick notes (fit notes, MED3s) SHORTCUT

    We do not need to see you face-to-face to be able to complete a sick note.

    Please ring us when your sick note expires and we will review your condition by telephone and if a further sick note is required, we can arrange for this to be sent to you electronically via your mobile phone. This will save a unnecessary and potentially risky visit to the surgery.

    Please note, if you have been off work for some time, and likely to continue to be off work, then you do not necessarily need to ring us on the day your note expires, especially during busy times. We can always backdate your ongoing note as needed.

    Sick notes no longer require a doctor's signature.


  • Sleep problems SHORTCUT

    Our sleep support section has moved to the mental health pages.


  • Snoring/sleep apnoea SHORTCUT

    Snoring problems

    Please visit the following links for help and support around snoring:

    Sleep apnoea

    If your doctor has advised you to complete some forms regarding sleep apnoea and/or snoring prior to any referral, you will find them here: Sleep score form (for patient) , additional questionnaire (for patient) and partner form (for patient's bed partner) . Please complete these forms fully then drop them back to us.


  • Social care

    Self-referral to social care SHORTCUT

    Patients or their relatives can self-refer to social care on 01629 533190 for assessments for care packages, respite, care home and day centre attendance options.

    For urgent on the day equipment needs and physiotherapy or occupational input, patients can self-refer to the Single Point of Access team on 01773 525090

    Safeguarding SHORTCUT

    For safeguarding concerns where you feel any adult or child is at risk of abuse, ring social care directly on 01629 533190 . Anyone with concerns has a duty to ring social care, it does not need to go via a GP.

    You can save me

    Domestic abuse SHORTCUT

    Although domestic abuse services are running differently, they are still running and they are still able to offer support, advice and refuge for those suffering from domestic abuse. Please find the following information:

    Where to get help during the coronavirus pandemic

    Support for people suffering domestic abuse during the coronavirus pandemic


  • Sore throat

    Sore throats are very common and usually nothing to worry about. They normally get better by themselves within a week. We advise self-care in the first instance.

    If you are poorly and require medical advice, please ring us and we can often manage your condition remotely.

    Strep A advice page - for information on Strep A

    Official advice and when to seek further advice

    Sore throat minor illness leaflet - a leaflet written by our doctors

    When should I worry? - a very useful booklet for parents

    How can I tell if my child is poorly? - a leaflet informing parents what to look out for


  • Stop smoking service

    Smokers are more at risk from coronavirus due to already weakened lung defences and existing lung conditions caused by smoking, such as COPD. Due to more frequent hand-to-mouth contact, smokers are also more at risk of catching the virus.

    If you wish to stop smoking, please get in touch with Live Life Better Derbyshire

    Download a postcard


  • Warfarin & INR SHORTCUT

    We are actively reviewing all our patients on warfarin and working with them to determine if they can be switched over to other as effective medication than does not need regular monitoring. This is for your own safety.

    For those continuing with warfarin, arrangements have been made for continued INR testing in a safe manner. Patients will be notified accordingly.


  • X-rays and ultrasounds SHORTCUT

    If your doctor has requested an x-ray or ultrasound at Ripley Hospital, please ring 01773 571436 to book it.

    Please note that due to staff availability and patients will need to travel to Royal Derby Hospital.


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