carer support SHORTCUT Support for carers

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Here you will find details of our support for carers.

Are you a carer?

Download our carers pack

Please feel free to collect a carers pack from the reception desk or download the relevant files here.

Please drop off your completed forms to our letterbox.

‘A carer is anyone, including children and adults who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid’

Carers at Ivy Grove video

Calling all carers

Carers play a vital role in supporting people and giving a better quality of life to people who otherwise would really struggle. The work you do is invaluable.

However, it is well recognised that carers are at an increased risk of developing their own problems, including physical, emotional / psychological, and financial.

At Ivy Grove we acknowledge the very important work carers do. We want to do what we can to help support you, while you are supporting the person who needs your care. Please let us know if you are a career, either by downloading and returning the form below, or ringing and speaking to one of our receptionists.

We also have some information below about helpful contacts and support. Please also download our 'carers pack' documents.

We particularly recommended that you consider contacting the Derbyshire Carers Association who can offer you in depth assessment and help.


Church Farm coffee mornings

Since the pandemic, all coffee mornings have been suspended.

Coffee Mornings

Church Farm Coffee Mornings are facilitated by Care Coordinators, Micheala & Alison who are employed by Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust and are based in GP practices in the Amber Valley Area: Ivy Grove Surgery, Jessop Medical Practice, Ripley Medical Centre, and Crich Medical Practice.

We hold a monthly Coffee Morning at Church Farm Primary Care Centre. The Coffee Morning is to help support socially isolated patients, build friendships in a safe environment and with us on hand to support and signpost onto appropriate services.

Coffee Mornings are held on the second Thursday of each month

The Coffee Mornings are held on the second Thursday of each month and we arrange representatives from different services and agencies to come long and chat about their service for example:- Live Life Better Derbyshire, Healthwatch, Alzheimer’s Society, Amber Valley Community Voluntary Services, Derbyshire Carers Association, Fire Service, Sight Support to name but a few....

It is a very informal morning, we have Dominos’, cards, Scrabble and a few card making items which people can use on the day or take away. Free tea, coffee, biscuits and cake are always available.

This has very quickly become a ‘hub’ for patients to come and find out information about the local area and the services and organisations that are available for them.

Please feel free to come along for help and support.

Micheala Kirkman,
Care co-ordinator

Care co-ordinator self-referral page

Derbyshire Carers Association

Derbyshire Carers Association holds regular monthly clinics at the surgery

This article was originally published in Ivy Grove News December 2015, however the information is still current.

Derbyshire Carers

Ivy Grove is taking part in a scheme with other local practices, whereby a carer support worker from Derbyshire Carers will come to the surgery for a full day clinic once a month. These clinics are to support any person who believes they have a caring roll, regardless of whether they are a registered patient at the surgery.

A carer support worker can help patients by completing carers assessments, organising personal budgets, creating emergency plans and exploring funding opportunities. They also help by arranging home visits, providing 1 on 1 support, information and advice, accessing blue badges and directing people to local carer support groups. In addition, they access respite services and provide help for the person being cared for, as well as signposting to other organisations, telephone support and help with training and events.

Our support worker is Lisa Barker and she will generally be at the surgery on the 2nd Wednesday of every month.

In order to see Lisa, no referral forms are required. All we need is your name and a contact number to book you an appointment slot.

If you would prefer a phone call from Lisa just let us know and she will call you back the next time she is in surgery.

If you would like a home visit we can take your details and Lisa can arrange this when she is next at the surgery.

If you cannot wait until the next time Lisa visits the surgery, you can book yourself into any of her Carers Clinics at any of the other local surgeries taking part in the scheme. Contact us if you would like details of where you may be able to get an appointment sooner. Alternatively you can contact Derbyshire Carers Association directly on 01773 833833.

Carers support worker self-referral page

Useful links