register with us SHORTCUT Register with us

Register with us

We are accepting new patients

Like all GP surgeries, we remain very busy in these difficult times, but we are still pleased to welcome new patients onto our panel. Please follow the directions below to register

Our practice philosophy

At Ivy Grove Surgery, we have always considered care to be a two-way process. We will always aim to provide you and your family with high-quality and friendly health care. READ MORE

In return, we expect all our patients to accept some responsibility for their own health and we encourage them to do all they can to look after themselves and to stay healthy.

Your health is not necessarily a commodity that can be treated as a convenience provided at the expense of others, it is actually an innate and priceless privilege that is available to everybody*. Your health is nurtured throughout life, from childhood through to old age, by looking after yourself, and when you need it, with appropriate and timely help from the right professionals.

Your health is our concern but your responsibility

We do not see our job as being here just to fix you. But we will do all we can to help you to fix yourself. Therefore, and fully in line with current NHS philosophy, we actively promote the principles of self-care, helping yourself, and signposting yourself to the right professional.

We welcome new patients who are prepared to work with us on building a long and healthy relationship together.

* The natural state of 'health' is an inbuilt quality of all living beings, otherwise nothing that is alive would ever repair, develop or evolve. We do realise 'good health' is not a given for everybody, however this does not mean you should not take some responsibility for looking after yourself as well as you can to give yourself the best chances.


How to register with us

If you would like to register with us please follow the simple procedure outlined here. You can choose the traditional method of handing your forms in to us as outlined immediately below, or choose the online method.

Step 1 Please check if we cover your area


Step 2 Please download and complete these three forms

A set of three forms is needed for each new patient

If you are also a carer, please see our carers page to download and complete our carers pack so that we can add you to our carers register


Step 3 Bring these completed forms to the surgery, along with:

    Suitable ID, for example:
  • Passport
  • Photo driving licence
  • Birth certificate
    and Proof of Address, for example:
  • Council tax bill
  • Utility bill less than 3 months old

Step 4 We may offer you a health check an appointment with one of our practice nurses


Step 6 If you are transferring to us from another Ripley practice...

... we may wish to discuss the reasons for your transfer with your previous GP


Step 7 Useful information on our website

This gives a background to the sort of practice we are and how we work


Online registration Alternative method

You can also choose to register online .

This service will send your registration through to us electronically.

Please note online registration is relatively new and has not been developed in proper discussion with practices. We still require newly registering patients to complete our short additional questions form and also provide ID documents as outlined above in Step 3 of the manual registration method above.

Although NHS England indicates that these documents are not compulsory to register with a GP practices, many practices like us still prefer these completing, as knowing more about you and your medical history helps us to accommodate your medical needs better and supporting documentation helps us to find your medical records and/or facilitate the transfer of your records from your current GP.

After registration, please follow from Step 5 onwards above as this will tell you more about our practice and what to expect.