patient group SHORTCUT Patient group

Patient Group

Join our group and have your say in improving services for patients.

Next meeting: TBC in early New Year 2025.

What is a Patient Participation Group (PPG)?

With an update to the GP contract in April 2011, came a requirement for each practice to set up its own Patient Participation Group (PPG).

We are currently looking to re-establish the PPG and are actively recruiting members.

What issues does the PPG look at?

The PPG consists of a group of interested registered patients who are representative of our practice population at large. The group would meet regularly to discuss issues and ways of improving services for the benefit of patients in agreement with the practice. Sometimes surveys are completed to identify issues, and results would be collated and an action plan agreed.

The PPG can also be active within the patient community, looking at ways to involve different interest groups. A great example of this could be to set up coffee mornings with the support of our care co-ordinators.

I've heard about a virtual group. What's that?

Membership of the PPG is open to all currently registered patients of Ivy Grove Surgery. However, some patients may be unable or unwilling to attend PPG meetings. It may be possible to talk to, debate issues with, get consensus from, agree actions with members of the PPG without their need to attend face to face meetings, a so-called virtual PPG.

Details of a virtual PPG will be posted in due course.

How can I contact the PPG or join it?

If you are a registered patient at the surgery, then, of course, you are more than welcome to join!

You can contact the group in several ways.

  • Come to any meeting of the Patient Group - details of the next meeting are always posted at the top of this page
  • Contact Sam Mair, our operations manager, on 01773 483957 who will pass on your message to group members or email