services and clinics SHORTCUT Services & clinics

Services & clinics

Here we introduce you to some services and clinics we provide here at Ivy Grove Surgery.


Opening hours

Please see our appointments page for details of our appointments and opening hours.


Repeat prescriptions

Ways to get your repeat meds

See below for ways to get your repeat prescriptions:

Medicines Order Line (MOL)

Medicines Order Line is available on 01246 942751, Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm

Ring 01246 942751 Request callback from MOL Use MOL online order form Download a leaflet

Ordering your repeat prescription involves a quick and simple telephone call to a dedicated person who will have time to answer any queries you may have about your repeat prescription and discuss your medication requirements.

Prescriptions will be processed easily where:

  • Your medication review is in date
  • You are not overusing or underusing your medication
  • You have not requested extra/new items on your repeat

Once you have made the telephone call your prescription will be authorised by your usual GP and will then be sent to the pharmacy of your choice within two working days. Please then allow additional time for the pharmacy to get your prescription ready for you.

There will be some instances in which the MOL will query your medication request with us by sending us a task. The following are examples:

  • Your medication review is overdue
  • You have requested something not on your usual repeat, for instance past medication, new medication recently issued but not on repeat or medication never had before
  • You have repeatedly not ordered some of your usual medication on repeat
Ring the MOL

Please ring 01246 942751 Monday to Friday between 8am and 4pm to use the service.

Request a callback from the MOL

If you wish, you can email a request for a callback from the MOL . This link will open in your mail app to send an email to the MOL team. Please include Ivy Grove Surgery as the GP surgery name, your name, your date of birth and your contact number. Please note this email is only for requesting a callback from the MOL, not for queries and no responses will be provided by email. The MOL will aim to call you back within two working days.

Order online using Patient Access

We do not take repeat prescription requests over the telephone, however, you may register for an account to order repeat prescriptions online. Please see our online services page for more details, or if you already have a Patient Access account, login now .

Order online using NHS App

You can find out more about the NHS App and its features on our information page, or download it directly from Apple App Store or Google Play Store .

Drop in your repeat prescription

Use our postbox to drop your prescription off to us. Please include a stamped addressed envelope if you would like your completed prescription sent back to you, otherwise it will be left at the reception desk for collection, or if you have nominated a local chemist, it will be sent there electronically.

Please note that in line with other GP surgeries, we will be phasing out this method of ordering your repeat from January 2, 2024, as patients are increasingly using one of the above three methods of ordering.

Other information about repeat meds

Processing Time

Repeat prescriptions take two working days to be processed and are available to be collected after 3.00pm on the second working day, e.g., prescriptions requested on Tuesday will be ready to collect after 3.00pm on Thursday, prescriptions requested on Friday will be available to collect after 3.00pm on Tuesday.

Collection service

The practice takes part in a repeat prescription collection service. All the local chemists are involved. You can choose which chemist you would like to collect your prescription. READ MORE

So instead of you coming to the surgery to collect your signed prescription, you can drop off your prescription request at your chosen chemist, they will deliver the prescription request to the surgery, collect the issued repeat prescription from the surgery, prepare your medication and have it ready for you to pick up straight from the chemist.

Please enquire at reception if you want more details or wish to take part in the scheme. If, however, you wish to drop off or collect your prescription from the surgery please continue to do so. There is a prescription drop-off box in the porch or if you wish to have your repeat prescription posted back to you, please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope with your repeat request.

Review dates

The review date near the bottom of your repeat slip indicates when you should have a medication review. There is no need to book an appointment for your review. Instead, we will write, inviting you for a review, and include the forms for you to attend for any relevant blood tests before your review. This is an essential and very important requirement, if you are to continue to take your medications safely and effectively.

Adding additional items that are not on repeat prescription may delay the processing of your repeat prescription.

Items not on repeat prescription

Our receptionists are not permitted to issue prescription items that are not already on repeat. If you add such an item to your repeat request, it may cause a delay in the processing of your repeat prescription as we look into your request.

We may also ask you for more information, including up to date photographs for skin conditions, in order to process your request.


Home visits

We have a formal home visiting policy . We only visit terminally ill or bedbound patients. Please see our home visiting pages for more information.

Home visit policy Request a home visit Support for home visits Home visit info Formal home visit policy Home visit poster Home visit video

Home visiting service


Out of hours

Please visit our appointments page for details

test results

Blood tests

Since the pandemic, you now need to book your blood test

Blood tests are not carried out at the surgery.

Find out how to get a blood test.

If you need to fast (starve) for the test - this means not having anything to eat or drink (apart from plain water) for 12 hours before your test. You may take your routine medications (apart from diabetic medication) as normal with water.


Test results

If your results could indicate serious disease, we will always call you urgently to either assess you further by telephone or to see you face-to-face, so please try not to worry

Usually results take about two weeks to be reported and viewed by the clinical staff (X-rays may take three weeks or more). Therefore if you need to ring for your result, please leave at least two weeks after your tests before you ring. Results are available after 2.00pm. Please note reception team cannot deal with calls for test results before this time. READ MORE

You may be put through to a nurse. Sometimes the doctor may request to see or speak to you regarding the result. This does not always mean there is something seriously wrong and may just be to clarify further details of your problem or request further tests. Please try not to worry if this happens. Please be aware that we will always contact you urgently, usually by telephone, if we need to see you to review any results that could be caused by a serious health problem.

If you are asked to book an appointment to discuss a test result, please book with the same doctor who asked you to come in. This will ensure you get the best care available.

More information on repeat tests can be found on our information page.


Private work

NHS care is free at the point of contact, and involves things like seeing the doctor for a normal consultation, home visits and some types of minor surgery. You will not be charged for NHS work. However, the doctors are entitled to charge for some items of work which are outside the NHS. READ MORE

These private fees are payable by the patient and include: private sick notes, passport applications, holiday cancellation forms, insurance claim forms, HGV medicals, pre-employment medicals and other medical examinations. For an additional fee, we offer a same day service on urgently required certificates, passport applications and claim forms. Please ask at reception. A list of our current fees can be found on the notice board in the waiting room or is available from reception or you can download it here.

Forms and Letters policy Fees for non-NHS work

Private referrals

Please let your clinician know at the time of your appointment if you wish for a private referral. If the GP was going to refer you to an NHS hospital, but you wish to go private instead, we can supply a referral letter to facilitate this, without charge.

However, if you have decided yourself to see a private provider, but that provider requires a referral letter or form completing to enable this to happen, please note that such work is chargeable, in line with our current fees policy. If you wish to avoid this fee, you can self-refer to the private provider and we can supply a summary printout of your record free of charge to help you with this, if required.

Details on the whole issue of private providers, including information on prescription and test requests following appointments with a private provider, can be found on our information page:

Private providers  

Fit notes (also called sick/club/doctor's notes) SHORTCUT



Your hospital is contractually obligated to provide you with fit notes relating to any hospital care.

For fit notes following hospital admission, outpatients or operations, please ask your hospital doctor to provide you with one before you leave hospital.

Despite what the hospital might say about seeing your GP for a fit note, it is the legal and contractual duty of the hospital doctor who treated you to provide a fit note should you require it. Our information leaflet provides more detail on this duty.

Fit note leaflet

Even if you have left hospital without your fit note, you may still contact the secretary of the consultant you were under and they should send you one, either through the post or electronically by email or text (exactly the same methods we use to get fit notes to patients).

This is an extract from the above guidance for hospital doctors:

Hospital doctors and sickness certification

From 6 April 2022 all doctors across Great Britain will be issuing their patients with a revised Form Med 3 (Statement of Fitness for Work or fit note).

Many hospital doctors are still unaware that they should, if appropriate, issue Med 3 forms to patients in their care. Not issuing Med 3s denies patients the best care and leads to unnecessary duplication and extra work for GPs. In many cases it is the hospital doctor who is best placed to give advice on the impact of a patient’s health condition on their fitness for work.

Fit note guidance for hospital doctors
Still having trouble getting your fit note from the hospital?

If the hospital still does not issue you a fit note on request, please contact their Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) department, who will be able to escalate matters for you.

Electronic fit notes from hospital

From November 30, 2023, as part of hospital contract changes, all hospital must have in place facilities to be able to send a fit note to any patient electronically. There is therefore no excuse for the hospital not to be able to issue a fit note for you should you require it.

PALS at Royal Derby PALS at Kings Mill PALS at Nottingham


Since April 2010, the requirement for you to be 'signed back to work' with a doctor's note was removed. You simply return to work after discussion and agreement with your employer. A fit note is not required.

This is an extract from the official fit note guidance:

Going back to work

You should go back to work as soon as you feel able to and with your employer’s agreement – this may be before your fit note runs out. You do not need to go back to see your healthcare professional before going back to work. Your healthcare professional cannot give you a fit note stating that you are ‘fit for work’.

For a small number of jobs there are separate processes to ensure it is safe for you to return. If this applies to you, your employer will tell you. You do not need a fit note to cover this period while you wait for your employer’s assessment and your healthcare professional will not be able to issue further fit notes to cover it.

Fit note guidance for patients and employers


You do not need a fit note for the first seven days of sickness absence. You can self-certify for the first seven days of sickness absence. A self-certifying note lasts seven days from the first day of sickness absence, regardless of whether you usually work all those days or not.

You can obtain a self-certifying note from your employer or fill one out online .

If your employer insists on a note for absence for this period (and they are only entitled to ask for this if it is a requirement of your employment contract), we can issue a private sickness certificate. If you want one, you will need to make a telephone appointment to speak to the doctor, and a fee will be payable for this certificate.



If you need a further ongoing fit note, please provide our receptionist with the required details and they will pass your request onto the relevant doctor. Even if your usual doctor is temporarily unavailable, this non-urgent problem can wait until their return. Notes can be issued to cover previous absences from work as long as they are continuous.


Recent changes to fit note legislation mean that fit notes no longer require a doctor's signature. Furthermore, other professionals may now be able to issue fit notes.


Patient UK has useful information on sickness certification in general practice .

Fit note leaflet Fit note guidance Fit note video Hospital contract video

Fit notes

Hospital contract

In-house clinics  


Antenatal clinics

This clinic is run by the midwife attached to the practice. If you become pregnant, you will be given a 'booking appointment' with the Midwife when you are about 10 weeks pregnant. At this appointment the midwife will ask a few questions and carry out some general health checks. You will be seen regularly throughout your pregnancy either at the surgery, the local hospital, or both.


Anticoagulation (Warfarin, INR testing)

This service is provided by the practice nurse team for those patients stabilised on warfarin. This service is by appointment during surgery times.



This service is provided by the practice nurse team. Asthma patients, particularly children, are invited to attend. This service is by appointment during surgery times.


Cervical smear tests

This service is provided by the practice nurse team. All women aged 25 to 64 (except those who have had a hysterectomy) are invited to have this test. We encourage you to accept this invitation. The service is by appointment during surgery times.


Child health (Six week check)

This service is run by the doctors and is by appointment only.


Child immunisation

This clinic is run by the treatment room nurse by appointment.


Diabetic clinic

This runs on a weekly basis and is organised by our diabetic nurse. The clinic offers advice and general health check-ups to patients diagnosed with diabetes.


Family planning and HRT

This service is provided by the practice nurse team. Emergency contraception is also available from some local chemists.

Implants and coils are provided by the GP by appointment.


Health promotion

Health checks and advice are offered by the treatment room nurse by appointment.


Medicals (HGV, Insurance etc)

This is a private service provided by the doctors. This service is provide by the doctors and is by appointment only. Paperwork and full payment (non- refundable) is required when booking the appointment. These appointments are in great demand and there is usually a waiting list. Therefore, if payment and paperwork is not received at least 1 week prior to the appointment date, the appointment will be cancelled and offered to the next person on the list.

Fees for non-NHS work  

Minor surgery and joint Injections

Minor operations and some joint injections can be performed by the doctors. Please discuss this with your doctor who will arrange for you to be put on the waiting list. An appointment will be sent to you in due course.


Travel vaccinations

Ivy Grove Surgery provides certain travel vaccinations. Please allow yourself plenty of time to obtain your travel requirements, as vaccinations can take a couple of weeks to take effect. We need at least 6 weeks’ notice prior to travel to ensure a suitable appointment is agreed.

Free travel vaccinations

The surgery supplies certain travel vaccinations free on the NHS, these include Typhoid, Hepatitis A and Diptheria/Tetanus/Polio.

Private travel vaccinations

Other vaccinations that may be required for travel would have to be provided privately. Unfortunately due to changes in professional insurance, we are unable to provide any private vaccinations, such as Yellow Fever. For these and other private vaccinations, please find details of some local travel clinics below:

Boots Pharmacy Intu Centre - Derby
1 Devonshire Walk
01332 345886

Travel Doc – Derby
1 Bridge Street
01332 332530

Boots Pharmacy Giltbrook Retail Park - Nottingham
NG16 2RP
0115 9386050

Travel Doc – Nottingham
2 Regents Street
0115 9475498

Travel Advice

If you wish to obtain free travel advice from us to check which vaccinations you will need, whether NHS or private, please download, read and complete the following form, one for each traveller.

Since the pandemic, you can also visit Fit for Travel .


Other clinics  

Citizens Advice

This service is provided free for patients of Ivy Grove by appointment only. Please ring us to book an appointment.

Citizen's Advice Bureau page  

Derbyshire Carers

Any patient, registered or not, is welcome to book an appointment with our support worker from Derbyshire Carers Association, who visits once a month. Please ring reception.

Carer's page Care Support Workers page