Find our contact details and ways to get in touch.
We welcome suggestions regarding the services we provide. Many patient suggestions have been acted upon and resulted in an improvement in our services, so please let us know your ideas.
Equally, when we have got it right, it would be good if you let us know, so that we can continue the services in the manner most appreciated by our patients.
If you have been happy with your treatment at Ivy Grove Surgery, we encourage you to leave positive feedback at other online sources:
You can also join our Patient Reference Group and have your say in helping to improve services at the surgery. Please visit our patient group page for more information.
Patient groupSocial media, in the truest definition of an oxymoron, is actually unsociable and especially in the case of (medical) Twitter a most unpleasant and completely toxic environment. We therefore tend to stay away from these platforms and only use them to post urgent information or references to latest news on our website here.
News updatesPlease note we do not use social media as a platform to respond with our patients. If you need to complain to us, please ring or write to us.
Any patient found to be abusing us on social media will receive a warning and may be removed from our panel due to irrevocable damage to the doctor-patient relationship.
Twitter FacebookIvy Grove Surgery aims to give a friendly and professional service to all our patients. However, if you have any concerns about any aspect of our service, please let us know. In the majority of cases concerns can be resolved quite easily. If you have any complaints, please let our Practice Manager know. READ MORE
However, if you prefer you can write to NHS England, PO Box 16738, Redditch, B97 9PT or telephone 0300 311 22 33 or email
For further information on our complaints procedure please ask for our complaints information leaflets, or you can download them.
Please use our contact form to get in touch with us about non-medical matters only.
© Dr Michael Wong 2022