This is one of our three pages supporting you around home visiting. This page is about how to make a visit request appropriately.
Are you in one of these groups?
each statement for an explanation:GROUP 1
I am completely bedbound and unable to move
I am terminally ill or near to end-of-life
I am so poorly that I would come to harm if I were moved
Click below if you think you qualify for a home visit:
You are in one of the above groups and think you might need a visit
Hover over for more information:
If you are mobile, even if you require aids or support, please book a surgery appointment
If you are in one of the above groups, and need medical help, you may need a visit
Please ring 01773 514130 before 10.30am so that your call can be assessed
each statement for an explanation:
I need to ring 999 because my life is in immediate danger
Although I'm ill, I'm mobile at home, perhaps I can get to surgery
I can't get out of bed or feel too poorly, I will ring for advice on what to do
each statement for an explanation:
First thing, as soon as I feel I may need a home visit
It doesn't matter when I ring, the doctor can just pop out
Last thing, just so I can see if I get any better
each statement for an explanation:
I am completely bedbound and unable to move
I am terminally ill or near to end-of-life
I am so poorly that I would come to harm if I were moved
As a patient, I have an automatic right to a home visit
As an older patient, I should always get a home visit
I have a high temperature and cannot leave the house
I am a child, young adult or am otherwise mobile
I live in a residential home so I should get a home visit
Doctors will always prioritise seeing the unwell
I have no money for a taxi or any transport
I have no childcare for my other children
I've had a bit to drink and can't drive
Can you visit me when I get back from the hairdressers?
The weather is really bad, I can't get out
I think I may be having a heart attack (or stroke)!
I am housebound so I should get a visit
But I've always had a home visit from the doctor
I need a visit to check I'm ready for admission to hospital
I've got a really sore throat and a bad cough
I need to use a stick because I don't walk very well
I just don't feel like coming out to surgery today
© Dr Michael Wong 2022