You may have received a text from us referring you to this page
We have received notification that you did not attend your recent appointment, or that you did not make contact to arrange an appointment with the service as requested.
We should like to stress the importance of attending your appointment on clinical grounds, and we would therefore urge you to contact the department or hospital concerned directly to book another appointment.
Should you have any queries or problems, or if you have received a letter from the hospital discharging you because you did not attend, and you still wish to be seen, we would advise that you address your concerns to the department or hospital in the first instance.
Hospitals are obliged to have in place procedures to see you again even if you have missed an appointment, without the need for a further re-referral from the GP. Should you have any difficulties with this, please let us know in due course.
If you no longer wish to be seen, we should be grateful if you could inform the hospital directly so that they may update their records.
If you missed your appointment because your address and other details have recently changed, please can you let both the hospital and ourselves know as soon as possible in writing.
If you have already attended or booked the appointment, or if you believe you have been directed to this letter in error, please disregard this letter and accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Yours sincerely
Ivy Grove Surgery
© Dr Michael Wong 2022