You may have received a text from us referring you to this page

This page covers

  • New diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes
  • Appointment review and reasons
  • X-PERT diabetes programme
  • Additional support and information


Dear Patient


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You have recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a complicated condition and there is a lot of information to take in so we are sending some information which might be helpful to have to hand.

Type 2 diabetes is essentially a condition whereby the body struggles to process the amount of circulating blood sugar. If left untreated this can lead to serious consequences for some of the major body organs, particularly the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, nervous system, and eyes.

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As such you will be called on at least a yearly basis to have an assessment at the surgery so that these systems can be monitored as well as a yearly diabetic eye screen. It is important that you attend these appointments so that if any problems are identified they can be treated before any serious complications develop. Please self-refer to podiatry for a baseline check.

Foot care advice leaflet Podiatry self-referral page

The treatment for type 2 diabetes often involves medication, depending on the individual this will either be oral or injectable such as insulin. However, not everybody requires medication. In fact the mainstay of treatment for all people with type 2 diabetes is lifestyle intervention. This typically involves adjustments to diet and increasing activity levels.

food image Type 2 Diabetic Diet

Following your initial assessment, you will be offered a referral to the X-PERT diabetes programme which is a 6 weeks lifestyle based course which all patients are encouraged to attend.

X-PERT diabetes programme motivate image

We understand that a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes can also take its toll emotionally. If you would like some extra support we now have a wellbeing practitioner working at Ivy Grove Surgery who will able to spend time supporting you, identifying your needs and directing you to any other services that may be helpful.

Health and Wellbeing Coach self-referral page

If you would like to read more about your condition, dietary tips and further support that is available please take a look at the following links.

Diabetes UK Diabetes UK: Type 2 Diabetes

We hope you find this information useful.

Yours sincerely

Ivy Grove Surgery


This page including all linked content is © 2013- Dr Simon Francis / Dr Michael Wong and may not be reproduced without permission. Practices wishing to adapt or use any of our information should get in touch first