mental health support adults SHORTCUT Mental health support: Adults/general

Mental health support

This is part of a series of new mental health support pages - switch to other pages using the menu belowlinks above or continue on this page; Page last updated Sep 23, 2024

Support for adults/general support NEW


We provide these resources to support your treatment and help improve your chances of recovery. We appreciate things are very difficult, but relying on medication and/or input from your GP alone will not solve your problem

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General support incl. adults

In an emergency

You can self-refer to these services without seeing or speaking to a GP first. Click the image to go to the resource. = Recommended resource

ring 999

RING 999 If life is in immediate danger - call 999 and ask for police or ambulance


ATTEND A&E If life is at risk - click to visit our page on medical emergencies

SELF-HARM Click the image above to visit our page on help if at risk of self-harm

HELP IN A CRISIS Click the image above to visit our page on help if in a mental health crisis

Get in touch with someone

You can self-refer to these services without seeing or speaking to a GP first. Click the image to go to the resource. = Recommended resource

MENTAL HEALTH HELPLINE Available 24/7 to any Derbyshire resident of any age - call 0800 028 0077

CONTACT NUMBERS Search for 'mental health'

ANGER MANAGEMENT Click the image above to visit anger management resources or view leaflet

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Click the image above to visit our bereavement support page

COUNSELLING Click the image above to visit our counselling page and self-refer

DEMENTIA RESOURCES Click the image above to find resources for dementia

DOMESTIC ABUSE RESOURCES Click the image above to find resources for domestic abuse

HEALTH AND WELLBEING COACH Supporting patients to identify their needs, set and achieve goals through multiple sessions

RELATE Provides free and high-quality talking therapy services for adults and young people (16–18 years old) who are living in Derby and Derbyshire and are experiencing depression, anxiety, and relationship problems - call 01332 349177

TREETOPS HOSPICE Offer counselling and emotional support to adults, children and young people who are dealing with a life-limiting illness or bereavement, free of charge - call 0115 949 1264


RETHINK Service to help people (over 18s) improve and maintain their mental health and wellbeing and reconnect with their local community by offering access to targeted one-to-one staff support, telephone support and community groups - call 01773 734989


SANELINE National out-of-hours mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including family, friends and carers - call 0300 304 7000

Self-help resources

You can self-refer to these services without seeing or speaking to a GP first. Click the image to go to the resource. = Recommended resource

active 10 app

ACTIVE 10 APP Records every minute of walking you do, helps you set goals and gives you tips to boost your activity

ALCOHOL MISUSE SERVICES Click the image above to visit our alcohol misuse services page

ANGER MANAGEMENT Click the image above to find resources for anger management

ASD/ADHD RESOURCES Click the image above to find resources for autistic spectrium disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

BOOKS Click the image above to find suitable books

breathe app

BREATHE APP Built-in app in Apple Watch that encourages you to set aside a few minutes a day to relax and focus on your breathing

CARE CO-ORDINATOR Click the image above to visit our care co-ordinator page

couch to 5k

COUCH TO 5K APP Takes you from no fitness to being able to run 5k in just 9 weeks

DEMENTIA RESOURCES Click the image above to find resources for dementia

recovery partnership

RECOVERY PARTNERSHIP For support with misuse of drugs or alcohol

DRUG MISUSE SERVICES Click the image above to visit our alcohol misuse services page

EATING DISORDERS Click the image above to find resources on eating disorders


EFL Free football classes and fitness education for those 35-65 years and overweight

EXERCISE On prescription (12 week free gym membership)


LIVING LIFE TO THE FULL Self-directed online CBT based help for anxiety or depression


MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING A stepped approach to the promotion of mental health and wellbeing


MIND DERBYSHIRE Provides local mental health services - call 01332 623732


MIND DERBYSHIRE Supported self-help

NHS Every Mind Matters, self-help hub

NHS Mental health support

OTHER RESOURCES Click the above image to visit additional mental health resources, like apps, books, adhd, autism, sleep

QWELL Free digital mental wellbeing support for adults, including online chat

RECOVERY & WELLBEING Help with recovery and wellbeing

SELF-HELP GUIDES Recommended patient leaflets on a large number of subjects, e.g., anxiety, sleep disturbance, stress

SELF-HELP RESOURCES Including links, free NHS counselling and what to do in a crisis

SMARTPHONE APPS Click the image above to find suitable smartphone apps

SPECIALIST SEXUAL ABUSE SERVICES Click the image above to visit our specialist sexual abuse services page

SLEEP PROBLEMS Click the image above to visit our section on sleep problems

smiling mind

SMILING MIND APP Versatile and practical mental fitness toolkit, designed for minds of all ages and stages and helping you learn the skills that promote mental wellbeing and create the habits to thrive

SOCIAL SERVICES Click the image above to visit our social services page

TALKING THERAPIES Introduction to talking therapies in Derbyshire

WAITING WELL Help and support while you wait for mental health support - download leaflet

WELLBEING COACHING Mental wellbeing resources

veterans support

VETERANS Click the image above to visit our specific support for veterans

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Mental health support: Adults/general